Monday, November 07, 2005


What's that? Accesso permanente del Internet?

Sì, i miei amici!

That's friggin right, I can now blog from the Maxi Pad. Which is going to cause such a ruckus, since Mia Madre is as huge a fan of the information superhighway as I am. We will squabble over it like so many squirrels over so many nuts.

I don't suppose I have much to report, although I'm finding this whole monogamy thing to be quite an interesting change of pace. I've never done it before, and while I was fully expecting to be chomping at the bit, having a boy as sweet as mine, who can do things to me that this one can, is really pretty much the coolest thing ever.

So, the stay with Mia Padre was pretty much the worst thing ever. Uh, that is, the aftermath. I almost killed his fish. I didn't check the mail, OR walk the dog. The latter of which defecated all over the house, and which I then proceeded to not clean up properly, because, ew, that shit smells bad. Pun intended. And condoms? Unused and otherwise? Yeah, I left em aaaall over the place. I swear to GOD though, I really thought I hadn't. Padre came home and was all, "So... you're cut."

He had a miserable time in the Dominicana Rupublica. My father is the only person on the planet physically capable of being unhappy in a tropical paradise. It's actually kind of impressive.

Yes, well, I really must head in the direction of my bed, which has laid unslept-in for almost a fortnight. I have an early meeting with my may-unnn.

Sogni dolci, pubblici delicati.

OH, and turns out, Gilmore Girls is actually really cute and only slightly irritating. Who knew!

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