Monday, January 02, 2006

So I've been a non-smoker for pretty much a whole week now.

It's, um... ...It's good.

Yeah, but, I mean, I'm still not sure I'm entirely sold on this whole idea that smoking will make me a better, healthier person. And here's why:


No, like I'm serious. I am actually putting anything and everything in my mouth that enters my line of sight, and that tastes good. NO, I'm not talking about cocks.

(*Dreamy Sigh* Although the one I do munch on from time to time does taste really good...)

Ahem - ANYWAY.

Would I rather be a non-smoker and die of a heart attack? Or be a smoker and die of cancer?

Le sigh... I'd totally rather die of a heart attack.


I thought for sure I was on to something there.

1 comment:

rich bachelor said...

Pardon me baby, is this seat taken?
Uh, I haven't commented, though I read this post when it was fresh. I too, after smoking since I was twelve, have recently quit.
I had some pretty good vitamin supplements backing me up, so I didn't lose my ever lovin' mind as I generally do, and remain pretty happy to be without the damn things. I also am not orally fixating like hell, as it sounds like you're doing.
If you want, I'll send you the list of what I took that made me so much less-insane.